
Laughter is the best medicine

Recently there has been plenty of troubling events happening around us, both locally and worldwide.  Justifiably we are taking these events very seriously.  However, to balance this seriousness and to improve our physical and emotional health and well-being we need to remember to LAUGH!

A good giggle can lighten our mood, reduce anxiety, and help to release muscle tension, leaving us feeling more relaxed and buoyant.  One Korean study testing the effect of laughter therapy on patients in a long-term care hospital showed improved sleep and better general mood.

Laughing helps to increase circulation, lowers blood pressure, increases respiration and oxygen consumption which benefits cardiovascular health.

A hearty belly laugh tones your abs and burns calories.  Read More…

Boost your Health and Well-being

Health is when every cell in your body is bouncing with joy.



Implementing regular habits to maintain good health and well-being goes hand-in-hand with boosting your immune system to build up resistance to, and fight off, a virus or infection.

Here are a few tips.

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But first…. Look after yourself!

Take time for regular self-care activitiesDuring the holiday season you’re out of your normal routine and it’s easy to put your self-care on the back-burner while you prioritise commitments to family and friends.  Then when you go back to work, you are so busy catching up on the work that has mounted up while you were away, you still neglect your self-care and it can be a while before you start to carve out time for things that benefit your well-being.

Why is self-care so important? Read More…

Eat A Rainbow

For the past couple of weeks I have been away, and even though I ate a reasonably ‘healthy’ diet, it wasn’t as high in vegetables and fruit as I’m used to.  Plus, I ate more bread and sugary items than is good for me.  The result: I felt sluggish and bloated, unmotivated to exercise and my mind felt foggy.

After a few days of eating whole plant foods almost exclusively, my mind feels much clearer and my energy has improved.

As I prepared dinner last night I was reminded of a dietary principle from my Kinesiology training: “eat a rainbow” – aim to have a rainbow on your plate at each meal. Foods that are red, yellow/orange, green, blue/purple and white.

An easy way to achieve this is to include a variety of whole plant foods,

By focusing on eating whole foods in a variety of colours you are consuming a broad range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other plant-based nutrients.

Our western diet has become very high in ‘white’ foods.  We love our white potato and refined carbohydrates, consequently we have the health issues associated with consuming a diet with such a limited nutritional range.

Below are some of the benefits of “eating a rainbow”. Read More…